Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"Attending to Different Events and Getting Through Difficult Situations in This Semester"

    Our first thoughts about creating a blog were positive. We were excited and eager to learn how to create our own blog. Thanks to the help of professors and classmates, it was possible to create our blog and now we enjoy it.

    The first workshop we attended as a student at Miami Dade College this semester was the blog workshop. When the professor told us that we had to attend an event inside the classroom and that we had no classes that day, we thought:


    We found the event as a form of dynamic learning. It was very well organized. We learn step by step how to create our blog, how it works, how it allows us to put our ideas and thoughts into it, how to use its components correctly such as adding images, videos, links, giphy, etc; and all this with the aim of being as creative as possible and gain more experience in technological, social and labor opportunities.

Visit, What is a blog? to know more about this workshop.


    We did not know how fascinating it was to have a blog where we could express our thoughts and the way we see life applying our knowledge; and now that we discovered how exciting it is to have a blog, we would rather do more blogs as assignments than write papers.

    Writing a blog is a great way to improve my resume to get a good job by using it as a platform to showcase my knowledge and expertise. We feel including our blog on our resume makes us a stronger candidate because we can demostrate our knowledge and expertise in the field for which we are applying, illustrate our presentation, and writing and research skills, and showcase our understanding of social media.

    The second workshop in which we participated in this semester was the financial aid workshop. We chose to attend in this workshop because it is very important to students to get help completing our Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

    Education costs us a lot of money, but the good news is that the U.S. Department of Educaion's Federal Student Aid office provides us Pell Grants, Scholarships and Loans that can be used to pay tuition and fees, books, supplies, classes and others.

Visit MDC Financial Aid to know more about this workshop.


    The workshop was excellent. We received assistance from the people who ran the event. They explained step by step how to complete all the required information. It was a great experience to attend this event.

    Applying for financial aid is the first big step to start studying at Miami Dade College. Many students do not have the money to pay for the cost of classes, books, tuition; that is why applying for financial aid is the greatest benefit that students have to continue studying each semester because education is an investment in our future.

    Student Interdisciplinary Symposium at Hialeah Campus was the third workshop we attended this semester. It was the fourth time this event had been held, and everyone present seemed wxcited to be there.

    The main objective of this event was to promote research and investigation, and also to provide a better opportunity to share explorations, discoveries and reflections among all the students and the academic community.


    We were able to appreciate posters sessions, oral presentations and informational tables at the Symposium. Where issues related to "Global Perspectives"were addressed to understand our complex world.

Visit MDC Symposium to know more about this event

    Attending this great event was very beneficial for us, as we learned about those topics, which are very interesting and involve aour world, and we incorporatethat knowledge into our minds to progress.

    Since we were not able to work on our service project, we were assigned to finish our blog by answering two questions: 
-Strategies for getting through this remote learning situation and having to be at home.
-Tips for helping others in these trying times.


    First of all, when we were notified that classes were canceled for 15 days, we said: "This deserves to be celebrated". It was like a big party. We got it as mini-vacations.

    But after so much emotions, we fell into reality. The reason for the cancellation of classes was not something to celebrate. Coronavirus was that reason, and it has left many dead throughout this time. So, the situation was very serious.

Visit MDC COVID-19 to know more about it.

    During those days we were relaxed because we did not have to do any school assigments, but we were concerned about the national and world situation. However, unexpectedly a week before the transition from "in person" to "online"classes began, Dr. Kennedy put all the assigments we had to complete until the end of the semester on Blackboard.


    Yes friends, the nightmare returned. It was too good to be true.

    At least we did not have to go to work. We simply stayed at home doing school assigments online and kept on eye out for media updates on the fight againts coronavirus. 

    But being at home without going out for fear of getting sick was boring. So, we decided to create strategies to face that situation.

    Although the updates were important, spending the whole day thinking about this terrible situation could cause panic in the population. So, among the strategies we adopted were: once we finished the school assigments for the week, we read books, watched movies, listened to music, played video games, and chat to each other to find out how we were doing.

    Of course, throughout this period of time we do not stop taking health actions to avoid contracting this terrible virus.

    Attending school, work and our favorite places is necessary and important, but protecting our health and that of those around us is much more important and we must find a way to get ahead, through strategies that we ourselves create to preserve the human life.

To summarize, the most beneficial event we attended this semester was...


...writing a blog. We chose it because it will help us to make a difference in the future; no matter if the cause will be political, environmental or social, it is a good way to provide and gain support, and express ourselves as we are and convey what we feel.

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"Attending to Different Events and Getting Through Difficult Situations in This Semester"

    Our first thoughts about creating a blog were positive. We were excited and eager to learn how to create our own blog. Thanks to th...